Archives par catégorie: Intelligence artificielle

Keeping up: The layered challenge of technology integration and refresh

According to Heappey, the maturation of quantum technologies would offer the potential to fully unlock [...]

Inspection from the cloud (s): Drones, cloud enablement, and AI enhancing sustainment activites

The United States Air Force is experimenting with a new approach to aircraft inspection that [...]

Experimentation key to technology adoption and building human-machine trust

As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly integrated into more aspects of military and security operations, concerns [...]

Skynet is here already . . . or not

The Royal Aeronautical Society’s (RAeS) held its Future Combat Air and Space Capabilities Summit in [...]

Mastering the seabed: “deep dives” into armed uncrewed underwater combat vehicles

On 7 June French company Naval Group announced it was awarded a nine months contract [...]

Hear me “meow”: US Air Force tests Angry Kitten EW system on Reaper UAS

Illustration: US Air Force/John McRell   In May 2023, the US Air Force successfully tested [...]

A tough day at the office: sensitive company info leaked through ChatGPT

The Economist Korea reported on 30 March (article in Korean) that three employees of semiconductor [...]