Le soldat et l'IA générative

The future is not what comes after the present, but what is different from it.

Gaston Berger

The deftech foresight program of armasuisse Sciences et Technologies, inspires, informs and instructs the armed forces and its various stakeholders about the opportunities and threats brought about by the use of technology.

Through its products and activities, the program contributes to a collaborative and participative venture that strengthens Switzerland’s defence capability.


Latest News

Nicolas Nova | Looking for new horizons

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Nicolas Nova.

Deftech-Scan November 2024

Enjoy the November 2024 version of the Deftech-Scan !

D’une rumeur à une guerre ? Von einem Gerücht zu einem Krieg?

Dans le cadre de la Journée 2024 du Réseau Suisse de Sécurité, une vidéo a [...]

Schlachtfeld der Zukunft : technologisch, ungreifbar und allgegenwärtig

Neuer Artikel in der Zeitschrift ASMZ : Schlachtfeld der Zukunft : tehnologisch, ungreifbar und allgegenwärtig

Save the date for the Deftech-Days 2025

Save the dates for the 2025 Deftech-Days. There will be amazing experiences we are preparing [...]


AnticipAction est un projet commandité au collectif Le Coup d'Après par le dispositif de prospective [...]

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We could have just called it community, but why not try to make it sound more original!

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