We sometimes forget to mention it, because it seems so obvious: every document such as those produced by the deftech anticipation system is in itself a vehicle for change..
More than the theme of generative AI per se, it is the process and the transition between today and a future, whatever that may be, that we need to prepare. What impact will this have on the skills to be acquired and the challenges to be met? What are the opportunities? What threats?
This will necessarily be an individual and collective adventure.
To guide you in this process, we offer you this “Thematic Study + Workbook” which aims to initiate and structure the first stages of the journey. We feel it is important to take some time to reflect, in order to prepare ourselves for changes, as yet uncertain, in the way we reason, work and make decisions.
As Benjamin Franklin said: “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail“.
We hope that this project will help to stimulate and illuminate the way towards your answers.
Read the PDF to learn more about Generative AI for the Soldier
Read the PDF to prepare for change