How can a new technology or a product resulting from it be tested if it does not yet exist?
Instead of testing, we will simulate! However, turning to the world of simulation with ideas and feelings rather than values to feed the mathematical models is not so easy.
This is when “gaming” came to mind.
But how? With what? With whom? At what level? For how long? Without really knowing it, we have opened Pandora’s box of possibilities and alternatives that we should consider to build our environment of discoveries, our technological foresight ecosystem.
The board game
The New Techno War game makes it easy to simulate future systems integrating new technologies while stimulating discussions. The goal here is not to win, but to understand the strengths and weaknesses induced by these future systems in given tactical scenarios.
This serious game has been developed with the company Helvetia Games. A commercial version of the game is available in French, English and German.