Dear Reader, here you will find a number of publications aimed at sharing the potential impact of technology on future society, with a particular focus on the world of security and the military.
We have experimented with different formats in order to make what is often abstract and complex content as attractive as possible. Some of the publications also present the methodology used and the setting up of the technology foresight programme.
Some of the works available in digital format are also available in printed form, providing a much better rendering than the computerised version. Please contact us if you would like to receive one or more copies.
Science-fiction et prospective : Imaginer pour mieux se préparer
AnticipaTech Trend Report
An introduction to
Mission Critical Thinking
Military Human-Machine Teams
Situations 2043
PDF Français – ebook | PDF Deutsch – ebook
PDF Page par page | ebook
PDF Seite für Seite | ebook
⇢ project ⇠
La prospective circulaire à trois corps : développement d’un programme de recherche stratégique
Comment l’IA et les systèmes d’armes autonomes vont-ils changer la guerre ?
Revue complète STRATOS 1/23
En quête d’immortalité | Vivre mieux, plus, toujours
PALP Festival
Forschungsbroschüre 2022
Soldat der Zukunft –
zwischen Unsicherheit, Innovation und Resilienz
#1 Soldat Augmenté
La Méthode à Jules
Fiches Prospectives | design fiction
Cybersecurity Technologies, an overview of Trends & Activities in Switzerland and Abroad | Realised by Cyber Defence Campus
Un joystick sul campo di battaglia
estratto da Formiche n°167
Prospective technologique et simulation : Jouer aujourd’hui c’est gagner demain !
Highlights – Urbanity
English, HD for printing
Deutsch, HD zum Druck