A first look at the survey
The survey FantasI.A. is structured in story mode. That means that each question has (in this case) two possible answers. Each participants can then decide on which path through the story he/she wants to take. Below you can see the actual structure of the survey, visualised as a Tree. Each node, indicated by a circle with a double lines on the edge, indicates a possible question. The arrows, that goes from one node to another, indicates a possible answer. As you can see blow each arrow has a color. In fact the story designers have identified each answer to be of three kinds
- Green: when it is positive toward Anna and the use of AI
- Yellow: when it is more neutral
- Red: when it is negative toward Anna and the use of AI
The colored, and somehow bigger nodes at the end are the possible story ends. The colours indicates the same attitude toward Anna and AI as for the edges. As you can see from the image, there are many paths that lead to the same end. This is a fundamental aspect of this type of survey: the path to a certain end is more important that the end itself.
One the main goal of this project, is to study the importance and relevance of the context in which a technology is used and evaluated on its acceptance.
This kind of tree structure allows us to study it in detail, even looking at different subgroups of participants, as for example young and old, military and non-military, etc.
A possible path of a participant
But how can we visualise the choices of a participants? In the figure below you can see the path of one of the participants. There are many things that we can learn from it, in addition to the end point. For example we can notice that
- The start was negative toward Anna and AI (the first arrow is red)
- Immediately after the first choice the attitude changed toward a positive one (arrow are now green)
- But then at the end it shifted again toward a neutral/negative attitude (the final arrows are yellow)
survey_1The amount of changes and their order tells us something very important regarding the story, namely that consequences and context plays an incredibly important role in how much we accept (or not) technology. Acceptance cannot be measured or studied in a vacuum, but we always need to declare clearly the context in which it is used and evaluated.