Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Autonomy is the ability of a system to respond to uncertain situations by independently composing and selecting among different courses of action to accomplish goals based on knowledge and a contextual understanding of the world, itself, and the situation. Autonomy is characterized by degrees of self- directed behaviour (levels of Autonomy) ranging from fully manual to fully autonomous.

Robotics is the study of designing and building autonomous systems spanning all levels of Autonomy (including full human control). Unmanned Vehicles may be remotely controlled by a person or act autonomously depending on the mission. Applications include access to unreachable areas, persistent surveillance, long endurance, robots in support of soldiers, cheaper capabilities, and automated logistics deliveries.

Australian government pushing the pace on Ghost Bat UAS

The Australian government directed the Australian Department of Defence (DoD) to accelerate development of the [...]

Inspection from the cloud (s): Drones, cloud enablement, and AI enhancing sustainment activites

The United States Air Force is experimenting with a new approach to aircraft inspection that [...]

Skynet is here already . . . or not

The Royal Aeronautical Society’s (RAeS) held its Future Combat Air and Space Capabilities Summit in [...]

Resilience and variation in meeting the growing counter-drone threat

The proliferation of a variety of types of uncrewed aerial systems, adoption of swarming tactics [...]

Mastering the seabed: “deep dives” into armed uncrewed underwater combat vehicles

On 7 June French company Naval Group announced it was awarded a nine months contract [...]

Hear me “meow”: US Air Force tests Angry Kitten EW system on Reaper UAS

Illustration: US Air Force/John McRell   In May 2023, the US Air Force successfully tested [...]